Nimrod. - 100 Reviews, And I've had The Time Of My Life.

 Green Day - Nimrod.

Released October 14, 1997

Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, Tre Cool

Genre: Punk Rock, (ballad pop for that one song)


Here we go. The last Green Day album to be reviewed. This is the only album I can think of to do for the site's 100th review, holy fuck thats alot of wasted time. This album needs NO introduction. 

Thoughts & Feelings

This is peak Green Day. This is my 2nd favorite of their albums behind Revolution Radio (controversial I know but go fuck yourself). With that being said let's get right into it.

Smash or Pass?

Nice Guys Finish Last- SMASH. THIS IS HOW YOU START A PUNK ALBUM. This song is great and a perfect opener for this masterpiece. 

Hitchin' a Ride- SSMASHH. THE (other) BIG ONE OF THE ALBUM. Yeah this songs great and that riff is iconic. 10/10 punk song. 

The Grouch- SMASH. Everyone knows someone in this song. "The world owes me, so fuck you" is the anthem of the modern elderly. This is how you write a protest song, make it in the perspective of what you are against.

Redundant- Smash. This song is great its just not as strong as the last few. Bit too slow. Still great though

Scattered- SMASH. This was one of the first non "Big-Hit" Green Day songs I ever heard so this song has a specially spot in my heart. That being said this song is a bop.

All the Time- SSMMASSHH. THIS IS DEFINITION PUNK. Fast, rebellious, fun, and just all around a good song. This is peak Green Day and it shows.

Worry Rock- SMASH. This song is once again great, just not my favorite. Some of these songs feel a bit too similar. But that changes with the next one.

Platypus- SSSSMMMMAAAAASSSSHHHH. Send this to your crush, ignore the sub title its a joke I promise. Real talk though THIS is what I listen to when I'm angry and already finished 13 Voices for the 2nd time. "Dickhead fuckface cock-smoking motherfucking asshole, dirty twat, waste of semen, hope you die". That describes atleast 5 people I know. Easy gold medal.

Uptight- SMASH. This song is great too but just not the best song to go after Platypus. Complete tone shift.

Last Ride In- Smash. Cool little instrumental.

Jinx- SSSSMMMAAASSHHHH. PUNK ROCK BABBBYYYYYYYYYYY. This song is just so fucking fast and fun. 

Haushinka- SMMAASSHH. PERFECT TRANSITIONS ARE SO COOL. This song isnt as good as Jinx though. Slower but still fun.

Walking Alone- SMASH. BOBD before BOBD, This song is great. Sounds almost like country punk.

Reject- SMASH. This song is another bop but again just a bit slow compared to the medal songs on this album. The chorus is catchy and fun though

Take Back- SSMMASSHH. This song is just a metal track. low screaming, fast instrumentals, everything points to this being death metal except the fact that its Green Day. I see why Green Day didn't pull a Sum41 and go metal.

King For a Day- SSSSSSMMMAAAASSSHHH. GAH THIS SONG IS SO FUCKING FUN. This song became a Queer anthem and I'm all for it, thanks Billie Joe for being a fag. The lyrics are weird, the instrumentals are weird, its just a weird, fun song.

Good Riddance- pass. Ok I know. The pass is probably a bit much but holy fuck is this the Sellout of all Sellouts. A perfect punk album ruined by a prom ballad about a girl. I get that this song was Green Day's middle finger to the industry but come one, not like this boys. The song is fine, but its so out of place here I have to pass it.

Prosthetic Head- SMASH. Ok back to normal. This is a punk rock closer on a punk rock album. Fixes all the issues the last one gave this album. 


This album is amazing, not perfect, but amazing. GR(ToYL) is the only thing I dont like here. Like I said, I dont mind the song it just doesnt fit in well on this relatively heavy punk album.


100 reviews. Thats fucking wild. Thanks everyone for reading and I will be back with more in the near future. 

-Jake (JunosBestFriend)
