Green Day - ¡Dos!
Released November 9th, 2012
Billie Joe Armstrong, Mike Dirnt, Tre Cool
Genre: Punk Rock
Oh boy, here we go. My 2nd least favourite Green Day album. Father of All is definitely #1 and this is easily #2. There are like 2 songs that I actually enjoy on this album, so the medal songs might be challenging for me to figure out. These 3 albums are kind of the reason I stopped listening to Green Day in high school. What do I think? Oh boy... let's shit on my favourite band of all time. Let's get into it.
Thoughts & Feelings?
This album is SUPPOSED to make me feel like I'm at the party. In case you didn't know this- the albums are focused around a party. Uno is before the party, Dos is during the party, and Tres is after the party. Unfortunately however, this party fucking sucks.
This album ACTUALLY makes me feel like I got invited to a party but then I show up and it's a bunch of old fucking farts around a campfire and unlit barbecue and I'm like what the fuck is this shit? I drove 45 minutes to show up to 3 geezers and a cooler of Bud Light like... what the fuck?? Fuck this I'm out guys, sorry this is NOT a party, this is a fat fuck fest. Anyway whatever don't ask me to elaborate any further.
Thankfully reviewing this album, I have the benefit of retrospective. I heard these songs back in high school and I was just so bored, I never touched it again. Now that I'm old and can look back, I have a much better understanding of these songs, why they suck, and why everything else by Green Day is so much better.
Smash or Pass?
See You Tonight - Smash. I like this song a lot. It's just a little intro song but I think the guitar tone is really cool and it's pretty soft and enjoyable. I have a feeling this'll be the last song I smash for a while.
Fuck Time - Pass. Yikes. Starting out strong on shit. This song fucking sucks. I mean like... it has some elements that are kind of enjoyable but the song just makes me uncomfortable and it just sounds terrible. Yeah this is not the right song to start off the album properly. I honestly might just skip some of these songs cause I already know they fucking suck.
Stop When the Red Lights Flash - Pass. This song isn't BAD, it's just kind of boring and dumb to me. This song gives me high vibes from Father of All, despite this releasing many years earlier. It's just kind of repetitive and I'm just fucking bored the entire time. Like come on show some god damn life during a fucking car chase song? Like this should be EXCITING. It's not. It's boring.
Lazy Bones - Smash. I actually enjoy this song. Can you believe it? Yeah this song is kinda catchy and I enjoy the guitar quite a lot. This song is actually pretty easy going, I enjoy the general vibe and it just works. The fucking breakdown is AWESOME. I fucking love how it explodes back into the song, that shit is absolutely awesome. Love to hear it love to see it, much appreciated this is a good song.
Wild One - Pass. Slow, boring, just not interesting at all. Like it's kind of enjoyable, I just find the lyrics annoying and I want to fall asleep. Part of me almost wants to skip this song just because it's not very interesting. I have a feeling I'm going to be saying that a lot during this review because that's exactly what this album is. It's either boring and lame or it's annoying and shitty. This is a prime example of the first possibility.
Makeout Party - Pass. Another song that is just annoying. Like this song does a lot of interesting things but for some reason it just doesn't sound good the entire way. I do enjoy the bass part breakdown besides the weird ass Billie Joe breathing and coughing and shit. The fuck is that??? I fucking LOVE the bass though. Pop off Mike, that shit sounds great. Too bad the rest of the song sucks cock.
Stray Heart - Smash. I actually really enjoy this song. It's pretty smooth and enjoyable. I remember listening to this song a lot back in high school going through a breakup and this was pretty helpful during that time. It gets a LITTLE repetitive and annoying but nowhere near the extent of the last songs. This one is just so easy going and easy to enjoy that I can't help but smile. I was trying to think if this song was on another album and I had to guess which- I don't think I'd have an answer. This song doesn't sound like anything in the past or future. It sounds like it's exactly from one of these 3 albums, so it has it's own sort of vibe to it that's nice to hear. The solo is pretty fucking nice to hear, that shit sounds great. I was VERY surprised to see that this song is the most played on this album on Spotify.
Ashley - Pass. Meh, this song could go either way. It sounds OKAY, but it's kind of annoying for me. I used to listen to this song a lot back in my college days but these days I'm just over it. I've given it enough listens to know it's just a generic song. Not underrated at all, just kind of a basic mid song. Haha I just remembered that back in the day of downloading music to your phone and stuff (remember those days? Limewire, anyone?)- I used to have a version of this song and it would always cut out JUST before the end of the song, and I thought that was weird and just normal part of the album. Turns out no, I just had a shitty version of the song.
Baby Eyes - Smash. BARELY smash. This song is just alright, but it's a LITTLE more enjoyable than the other mid songs. The harmonized lyrics are especially nice to hear. The pre-chorus is pretty nice, the chorus is pretty decent. I ALSO just remembered that this song used to cut out for me back in my Limewire days. Hilarious. Anyway yeah this song is alright. It's not very special or anything it's just a mid tier meh song.
Lady Cobra - HARD pass. I fucking hate this song. This is one of those songs that I find VERY fucking annoying. This song has VERY little redeeming qualities. But do you know what's worse than that?
Nightlife - FUCKING. PAAAAAAAAAAAASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. HOLY FUCK BOYS. Going full fucking NUCLEAR on this song. This song sucks SO much dick. The song hasn't even come on for me yet but I just have to rant about this song. This song sounds so fucking BAD dude. It's embarrassing. Imagine shuffling a Green Day playlist with your family around and this song comes on, holy fuck I would skip this faster than I dropped out of college. I HATE the voice of the girl singing, it makes me so fucking uncomfortable. Billie Joe sounds fucking TERRIBLE in this song, it's honestly just a fucking joke. This song is a huge meme in the Green Day community just because of how dogshit it is. It's really unfortunately that this shit had to go through my ears because it just pisses me off as much as it disgusts me. This song is one of the worst songs Green Day has ever released. It's NOT very fucking fun to listen to this song. I don't think I have EVER listened to this song outside of the album, and 99.9% of the time I just fucking skip it. It just came on, I got 10 seconds into the song before I skipped it. I don't want to FUCKING LISTEN TO THIS SONG, IT MAKES ME WANT TO FUCKING THROW UP. FUCK THIS SONG.
Wow! That's Loud - Smash. I'm just in such a bad fucking mood after listening to that piece of shit. Thankfully this song is OKAY. I used to really like this song back in my high school days but listening to it now I'm just like yeah... it's okay. It's a decent song and I don't have much to say negatively against it. It's unique, it sounds pretty decent and complete. I especially love the feedback ending, that shit is AWESOME and makes me think "Wow, that's loud".
Amy - SMMMAAAAAASSSSSHHHHHHHH. This is EASILY the best song on the album- BY FAR. It is not what you're going to expect. It's this slow, soft, soothing ballad that just uses Billie Joe's voice to perfection. Everything on this song sounds perfect. It's that same kind of girly song that you just love to enjoy and put on during a sad time. Honestly this is the perfect song to cry to. I didn't give this song the respect it deserved back in my high school days, but I'm making up for it now because this song is fucking amazing. It's incredible, easily the best song on this album. Go listen to this one because you'll be very surprised to hear it. Absolutely MWAH, can't give this song enough high praise. I fucking LOVE this song. I fucking LOOOOOOOVVVVEEEEEEEEEE this song. I fucking love this song, it's so great, it's so perfect, thank god this is the final song because I fucking hate this album but fucking love this song.
There are SOME good songs on here. Don't be one of those people that makes your own version of combining all 3 of these albums together into one album of the good songs. That shit is so lazy and uninteresting. This album is either slow, boring, uninteresting- or it's annoying and gets on my nerves. The only good songs are the songs that do something INTERESTING and make it sound nice. You all know the drill, I love Green Day to death but this album sucked dick. Not as bad as Father of All, but certainly 2nd last.
What do you guys think? Are these songs enjoyable for you or do you just wanna skip the entire album? Well you can't do that- check out the medal songs. Those are good. You know what to do- comment below! Thanks a lot everyone, happy Wednesday!
- Sharky
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