Afraid of Heights - Flying high

Billy Talent - Afraid of Heights

Released July 29th, 2016

Ben Kowalewicz, Ian D'Sa, Jon Gallant, Aaron Solowoniuk, Jordan Hastings

Genre: Punk rock


Billy Talent again baby- if you're new to this blog- FUCK YOU. I love Billy Talent, I have reviewed almost every single Billy Talent album in order so go look at those first. Then come back and check this out.

This album is great and everything. It's not as good as Dead Silence for obvious reasons because that album was fucking kickass and this album is just below kickass but yeah. Your standard punk rock songs are gonna be here, you must know Billy Talent by this point. Yeah this is a great album though.

Thoughts & Feelings?

Shoutout to Jarrod and Bella, all 3 of us love this album. I remember very vividly this album coming out because I was still in college where I was trying to figure out the kind of person that I am, and this album definitely shaped my during those days. I can literally vision where I am and what I'm doing while listening to this album. In the car with Jarrod going to the mall to fuck around and whatever- good shit.

This album makes me feel like I'm spaced out the fuck outta my mind. Like I just did heroin or something- this album makes me feel like that one scene in Breaking Bad where Jesse does heroin and fucking ascends to the ceiling and past that. That's exactly it. I am fucking ascending due to drugs during this song. (For anyone wondering, I have never done any drugs besides weed a couple times, and fuck that it either doesn't affect me or gives me anxiety / panic attacks). Anyway yeah don't ask me to elaborate further.

Shoutout to Rob Ortenzi for being the fucking coolest artist in the world.


Smash or Pass?

Big Red Gun - SMASH. Yeah what can I say? Billy Talent- this is what they are and it's fucking fantastic. I'm not crazy into this song but it's a great opening to this album and is explosively punk rock the entire time. It's great but I wouldn't put this in my playlist.

Afraid of Heights - SMMASSSHHH. This is a great song. It's catchy, it's punk rock, it's your standard run of the mill Billy Talent song. I'm not gonna be able to say a lot for these songs because I have just heard them hundreds of times and know what they are. This is a GREAT song, and there ya go.

Ghost Ship of Cannibal Rats - SMASH. This is a great song but I'm not super into it. I can't really describe why I'm not crazy into it because everyone else seems to fucking LOVE this song, for some reason it just doesn't groove in my bones as much as I wish it would. Like I can ABSOLUTELY vibe and sing my ass off to this song but I wouldn't rank this more than 7/10 on this album. I think it's the pre-chorus that fucking sucks for me. Yeah that's absolutely it. The pre-chorus sucks cock for me so yeah I think that's what brings it down for me.

Louder Then the DJ - SMMMMAAAASSSSHHHHHHH. Easily #2 for me on this album. This song is punk rock, it kicks fucking ass. I have this one in my playlist and I listen to it all the fucking time. It's jammy wammy and it goes hard. Punk rock + catchy shit is always welcome in this community. I had to remove the headphones and go speakers for this song cause I needed to sing it so bad.

The Crutch - SMASH. I'm not crazy into this song but it's a great song. Like it's super jammy and everything I just don't enjoy this song more than I would any other song. The guitar is fucking SICK on this track, I think it's just the vocals that rub me the wrong way.

Rabbit Down the Hole - Smash. Another song I'm not too crazy about. The intro with acoustic guitar is awesome to hear. I like this song it just doesn't have enough going for it that interests me. I really like the second half of this song, that shit is great but other than meh.

Time-Bomb Ticking Away - SMASH. This is an absolutely great song. This is a fast ass punk rock song that sounds great. It's amazing but not nearly as good as the next song let's go.

Leave Them All Behind - SMMMMMAAAASSSSSHHHHHH. I fucking LOVE this song. This is one of those slow ass songs that the girls will like but holy fuck this song is so fucking good. Absolutely amazing. Honestly ONE of my favourite songs of this album just cause of how good it fucking sounds. It's just so chill and easy. Amazing song.

Horses & Chariots - SMASH. I mean this is a great song I just don't care for it that much. Like super catchy and a great song but I don't have much for it. The fucking solo is an ABSOLUTE smash though that shit is awesome.


February Winds - SMAAASSSHHH. So fucking good, this song is great and super underrated. Absolute great song. I don't have much more than that, it's awesome.


This album is great. The best thing since Dead Silence. Oh wait... that was last album. AH WELL, great album regardless. Let's go Billy Talent babyyyyy.


What do you guys think? Let me know, love you all, happy Monday, MWAHMWAH.

- Sharky
